The general assembly braved the snow and the cold as they worked this last week. Bills are being passed out of their respective chambers and jumping the first hurdles to become law. Some of the more controversial bills were brought up in the Senate and debated at length before being tabled for a later date. This is an indicator that the Senate is gearing up for the bigger fights soon, which will most definitely include our areas of work. The House also debated a decent amount of bills including some legislation that the leadership indicated as high priority. This week was a test to see how the respective members of each party will react to these issues and what, if any, deals will need to be cut before they can be voted on. There will be someone in the Capitol at all times when they are in session.
Initiative Petition Restrictions
SB22 was brought up Wednesday evening and was debated for several hours before being returned to the informal calendar (referred to as laid-over). The discussion on the bill was the same arguments we heard in committee with the sponsor, Senator Rick Brattin, referring to the lawsuit over the ballot title of Amendment 3 from this last election and a similar lawsuit over Amendment 6’s ballot title and summary. It didn’t take very long for Senator Maggie Nurrenbern to stand up and add an amendment giving her control of the debate. This was the beginning of the Democrats filibuster which lasted for a few hours. The amendment would have given the Supreme Court exclusive authority to change ballot titles and summaries. As long as the original bill remains the same by taking away the authority of the courts to fix ballot titles and summaries, we will remain opposed to the bill. Please keep an eye out for our action alerts if and when the bill comes up for debate once again.
HB414 and
HB684 were heard on Tuesday in the House Elections Committee. These bills are essentially the same as SB 22. The majority of the testimony was in opposition to these bills with only about 1 or 2 people testifying in favor. We would like to thank everyone who came down and testified against these bills and those who submitted online testimony.
Poll Worker Protections
SB84 (Burger) was brought up for debate on the Senate floor earlier this week. This bill has seen some very broad bi-partisan support thanks in part to the urging of the County Clerks’ Association who have been heavily advocating for its passage. Unfortunately, there were about 2 Senators who expressed deep concern about the constitutionality of these bills and spent a large portion of the debate arguing against it. The bill was discussed for about 2 hours then tabled for a later date. Negotiations are ongoing to get this bill to pass and we remain optimistic that we can get this bill into law.
SB182 by Senator Sandy Crawford (R-28) was heard in the Senate Local Government, Elections, and Pensions Committee on Monday. This is a large bill that covers several election related issues and contains provisions that we are in support of including poll worker protections. The hearing went very well and every witness testimony was in favor of the bill. We are looking forward to working with the Senator to get this bill some time for floor debate and hopefully get it passed. Once again, we’d like to thank everyone who came and testified in favor of this bill.
HB507 by Representative Peggy McGaugh is up for a hearing on Tuesday morning, 2/18 at 8:00am in the House Elections Committee. This bill is essentially identical to SB182 (Crawford) which in addition to other provisions we like includes the poll worker protections we have been fighting for. Since it is a House hearing, online testimony is accepted although testifying in person is more effective.
Presidential Preference Primary
HB126 by Representative Rudy Veit (R-59) will have a hearing on Tuesday, 2/18 at 8:00am. This bill is fairly plain and simply reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary election. In the same hearing, HB367 by Brad Banderman (R-119) is being heard. This bill also reinstates the Presidential Preference Primary while also expanding absentee voting. We are once again seeing a renewed push to revert back to the primary system after the results of the disastrous caucus system implemented back in 2022. These bills usually enjoy broad bi-partisan support and we are encouraging everyone to testify, whether in-person or online, in support of these efforts.
Death Penalty Judicial Loophole
SB225 by Senator Mary Elizabeth Coleman (R-22) will have a hearing on Tuesday morning 2/18 at 8:00am in the Senate General Laws Committee. This is legislation that will close the judicial loophole in first degree murder cases, requiring a unanimous jury verdict to sentence someone to death. In the case of a hung jury, the sentence will be life in prison without the possibility of probation or parole. We are currently gathering people and preparing our coalition to go and testify in support of the bill.
Omnibus Crime Bills - St. Louis Police Takeover
We are still waiting to see what the Senate will bring to the floor with regard to an omnibus crime bill. We know it will contain language about the St. Louis Police Takeover, but what else will be included is still unclear. The House is likely to Perfect the St. Louis Police Takeover in the coming week.
Bills that create a new "Parents' Bill of Rights" and seek to limit cirriculum are very prevalent this year. We are watching all of these bills. So far, none of them have made it out of committee for a debate on the floor of the House or Senate.
Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs and trainings are under attack from all sides this year. The bill in the House, HB742, has been voted out of committee and is on the calendar for possible debate next week. These programs and trainings are about more than just race, they are about creating a safe and welcoming working environment for everyone. More importantly, they are about growing our economy by creating a workforce that people want to be a part of.
*This list is continually updated and improved. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Geuea Jones at
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