By submitting this form, I affirm that I understand it and agree with the following statements:
- I have submitted to Missouri State Conference of the NAACP a Complaint of Discrimination.
- I understand the NAACP is not a law firm and does not provide legal services. Some of the members and volunteers I speak to about this complaint are lawyers, they represent the NAACP and not me personally. Filing this complaint does not create an attorney client relationship with the NAACP or any of its members or volunteers.
- I understand that the NAACP is a private, nonprofit, volunteer-lead organization. It is not a government agency. Filing a complaint with the NAACP is not the same as filing a complaint with an administrative agency or filing a suit in a complaint with an administrative agency or filing a law suit in a court of law.
Whatever rights I have to file a complaint with an administrative agency or to file a civil lawsuit are completely unaffected by whether or not I have filed my complaint with the NAACP.
- There may be a deadline for me to file a complaint or lawsuit with a government agency or court. If I do not file my complaint or lawsuit by that time, I may have no right to a recovery from any harm from the respondent. Filing this complaint with the NAACP does not meet or delay that deadline.
- I have authorized the NAACP (1) to investigate my complaint; (2) to attempt to resolve my complaint; and (3) if there is no resolution, to provide me at least three referrals of lawyers who may consider representing me in litigation or other proceedings related to the complaint. I understand that the NAACP in no way guarantees the competency, professionalism or fitness of the lawyers whose names have been provided.
- I will provide the NAACP copies (not originals) of whatever documents I have to support the complaint. If I request in writing that some of the material be held in confidence, the NAACP will hold it in confidence. Otherwise, the NAACP may share lit with the Respondent or with state or federal antidiscrimination agencies.
- If the NAACP attempts to resolve my complaint, I will keep them informed of the status of the issue including whether I retain legal counsel, file other complaints, or resolve the complaint on my own.
- The NAACP will receive no funds from any monetary compensation provided to me as part of a resolution whether or not the NAACP was involved in resolving the complaint.
- I understand that if the NAACP refers me to a private attorney, I am not required to retain that attorney and the attorney is not required to offer legal representation to me. I understand that any legal representation that is offered to me is not guaranteed to be free, but may be on, whatever terms the attorney and I agree on. I also understand that the referred private attorney does not represent or act as an agent of the NAACP, nor is the NAACP in any way offering to pay for the attorney’s services.
- I release and hold harmless the NAACP, its officers, directors, employees, agents, personal actions and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreement, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, executions, claims and demands whosoever, in law in equity, which I ever had, may have in the future, or which any of my personal representatives, successors, heirs or assigns hereafter can, shall or may have against the NAACP, upon or by reason to the NAACP's handling of my Complaint of Discrimination.